Organization Information

Name : NAACP
Description : Activities will include regular discussion meetings biweekly. Monthly programs that promote the initiatives of the national organization. Examples of these events are a HIV & Sex clinic, Black History Month program, Feed the Homeless program, etc.
Purpose : The Texas State University College Chapter of National Association for the Advancement of Colored People informs students of the problems affecting African/Black students and other racial and ethnic minorities; to advance their economic, educational, social and political status and their harmonious cooperation with other peoples; to stimulate an appreciation of the African Diaspora and other racialized peoples??? contribution to civilization; and to develop an intelligent, effective campus leadership.
Membership Requirements : Any student, faculty, or staff at Texas State University who has paid membership through the NAACP website
Website :

Meeting Location : TBD
Meetings : Thursday 12:00 AM
Meeting frequency : Bi-Weekly
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