Organization Information

Name : Graduate Student Affairs Council
Description : We, the Graduate Student Affairs Council, here after referred to as GSAC, set forth this Constitution in an effort to ensure an integrated learning environment in which students may both study the foundations of the student affairs profession, including its history, context, values, and theoretical base, and consequently incorporate these valuable lessons into the continual improvement of their personal and professional lives.
Purpose : The purpose of this organization shall be to provide professional development and offer a support structure for current and incoming graduate students studying or working in the student affairs field. GSAC provides social, professional, and academic opportunities to enhance the holistic development of the future of student affairs professionals. We uphold the ethics of the profession by promoting diversity and adhering to the Principles of Good Practice.
Membership Requirements : To remain in good standing with GSAC, members must be graduate students who: A. Maintain a 3.0 grade point average B. Pay all dues and fees associated with membership and/or activities.
Website :

Meeting Location : LBJSC 4th Floor Lounge
Meetings : Friday
Meeting frequency : 1st Friay of each month
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